Please send your order number confirmation to our after purchase! This will ensure we can ask any follow up questions and clarify any concerns!
All correspondence for Archived Plans should remain in the inbox to ensure the fastest response. Your plan will be emailed to you if no follow up questions are needed or after they have been clarified via the email!
What are the Archived Plans?
Meal Plans from previous challenge group menus if you did not partipate in the monthly program. This option plan allows you to choose any month of your choice. You will simply choose the month that appeals to you from the items listed on the product product photos. This will also come with a fill in the blank grocery list to help you navigate how to set up.
*Be advised, the back to the basics menu feature, only changes quarterly. Jan-March, April- June, July- Sept, and Oct- December.
This product does not come with any additional guidance or correspondence coaching- it is the meal plan only and the fill in the blank grocery list to your corresponding month. We can attach a walk through video for assistance if you need it- as well as an ebook with an FAQ and prep tips.
Please make sure your accurate email is attached to your order to receive. Please make sure you are honest with your activity level, and nursing calories as this will be the only plan you will receive- no adjustments will be available.
Breastfeeding concerns: If you have a highly sensitive supply- we recommend utilizing our traditional challenge groups so we can trouble shoot accordingly within the scope of the program.
Once purchased- your plan will be emailed to you at the email listed while checking out from
You will receive your plan within 10 days of purchase.
**Please do not reach out prior to the 10 days!
Archived Meal Plan
This product is Non-Refundable
You will not be able to adjust your stats once submitted. Your plan will be based off of your submitted stats. Your submitted weight must reflect your current as we fulfill your request. Pre-guessing weight changes is not authorized. If you purchase too early and your stats change, we cannot change this without an additional fee of $10.